Never a dull day at Ultimate Hot Pilates & Yoga. Brace yourself for immersive sessions where you break out in a sweat, engage with others, and do what’s right for your well-being.
As someone who’s eager to take Yoga or Pilates for the first time or simply looking to switch up studios, Ultimate Hot Pilates & Yoga will feel like a breath of fresh air. Our classes are perfectly suited for all sorts of students, both seasoned and amateurs. Indulge in new experiences that challenge your body to restore mental balance.
Create an online account by selecting “My Account” in the upper-right corner of the screen.
Step 2
Purchase the Introductory Special or select the membership plan that meets your requirements the most.
Step 3
Enrol in the first class.
Step 4
Review our “Preparation” page for advice on how to start your adventure.
Step 5
Arrive at the studio at least ten minutes before your first class and request a tour from the front desk.
Step 6
Attend at least three classes per week for optimal results.
Step 7
Download the “Wellnessliving Achieve” mobile app to view the schedule, schedule classes in advance, accumulate reward points, and make purchases directly from your mobile device.